Making decisions unburdened by ‘risk management’ myths

This year Grant Purdy is speaking again at RAW2020, giving a workshop prepared by himself and Roger Estall.

The workshop will run on 12 October and details are here.

During long careers Grant and Roger have often been engaged to investigate decisions that have gone spectacularly wrong or resulted in other than the intended outcomes. This has helped them develop an objective appreciation of what ‘good’ decision-making looks like and therefore, what characterises a ‘good’ decision.

This workshop will describe the universal method of decision-making – which is what all decision makers actually use – and explain how the combination of understanding and awareness of that method, and mastery of its elements, is what differentiates between successful and unsuccessful decision-makers.

There will be, therefore, focus on clarity of Purpose because it is in the pursuit of purpose that all decisions are made, and we will explain – with reference to assumptions and subsequent changes in the context in which decisions are made – how the outcomes of decisions can differ from those intended or desired.

While a fundamental part of making decisions requires understanding and dealing with uncertainty, as Grant and Roger explained in RAW last year, attempting to take account of and resolve uncertainty via the concept of ‘risk’ the and constructs of ‘risk management’ is neither an effective nor a logical path to adopt. 

Hence, they will explain again this year how, by drawing attention away from the universal method of decision-making, the distraction of ‘risk management’ often leads to poor decisions. On the other hand, they will show how awareness and skilful application of the universal method of decision-making enables Deciders to achieve sufficient certainty that their decision will contribute to purpose and deliver the intended (rather than unintended) outcomes.

Conversations with Mark Siwik

Mark Siwik, CEO of SandRun Risk is hosting a series of three conversations with Grant Purdy on the company’s Blog.

First instalment, September 2020

You can read the first instalment here.

Part 1 of the monthly conversation concerns Grant’s background and experience from working more than 40 years on practical applications of risk management and how he has focussed on helping people make even better decisions.

Second instalment, October 2020

The second instalment is here. This focuses on the book Deciding.

Third instalment, November 2020

The third instalment is here. The deals with how to make even better decisions.

Should internal audit perform a risk assessment?

Assuming that there is a credible ERM function/process in place, IA needs to provide assurance that the ERM processes are effective, and they also need to validate that the key controls that management assumes to be working in their RA are in fact effective, but also IA should be able to some extent opine on whether the company-wide RA done by the ERM and management teams are reasonably stated and that they are not aware of any major discrepancies. To your point about continuous, every internal audit according to the COSO framework should be concluding about the adequacy of management’s RA process for the area/function reviewed.

Post by John Fraser on Norman Marks on Governance, Risk Management and Audit

John, stripped of all the jargon and acronyms, the ultimate purpose of whatever ‘ERM’ and ‘IA’ are meant to mean or be, can surely only legitimately be that the organisation makes the best decisions it can. That is because the only way that organisations can pursue their purpose is to make (and implement) decisions to take advantage of opportunities, and the only way it can achieve its purpose is by ensuring that the decisions are the best that can be made. This has always been so (long before anyone uttered the ‘a’ or ‘r’ word) and always will be so (long after the ‘a’ and ‘r’ words disappear from the business lexicon … hopefully, a milestone that is not too far away). And yet decision-making is not the focus of either ERM or IA and never has been.

As Grant Purdy and I say in our recent book ‘Deciding’ (which Norman kindly introduced here in his 25 April blog) organisations will have more success in pursuing their purpose if they consistently make ‘even better’ decisions.
In describing what we contend is a universal method of decision-making (i.e. the method used by all ‘Deciders’ whether they realise it or not) we have attempted to explain how to excel in applying each element of this method as it is this – decision-making skill – that is the only way organisations and their ‘Deciders’ can determine their success.

All those responsible for governance need have confidence about, is how well this method is being applied by the many Deciders across the organisation. In the same way that sales, RoI etc are visible to the governance team (because they bother to look) so too is the quality of decision-making easily discernible especially if those involved in governance and management themselves, excel. Trying to contract-in reassurance, rather than looking themselves, is an easy (but generally unsuccessful) cop out.

Ensuring consistently good decision-making is analogous to manufacturers or service providers achieving the intended levels of performance of their product (i.e. delivering ‘quality’). In the 80’s, those efforts switched from checking the final product and throwing out the duds, to focussing on design and execution of each of the steps of the process through which those products were made (in the understanding that dud products are the outcome of dud processes and good products are the outcome of good processes). So too must the focus of organisation performance monitoring, switch to the quality of decision-making.

So the message is, whether it is the board and management (or the cop-out of using a hired gun – however they may be described) just look at the people who are making the decisions and their decision-making skills. As we say in ‘Deciding’, it is a tricky business being a Decider so helping them individually and institutionally to make decisions is where the effort should go. Not in irrelevant ‘r’ and ‘a’ stuff with the associated focus on failure and checking for duds at the end of the decision production line.

COSO ERM in a COVID 19 World

Many wonder whether the current pandemic is another example of ERM failing. The same question was asked more than a decade ago during the financial crisis. While there will undoubtedly be risk management lessons learned from this crisis, it’s a reminder that ERM is more art than science. As long as people are involved, some risks will be missed and failed judgments will occur. But ERM and internal control frameworks can still provide valuable principles and insights as organizations start to emerge from this crisis. Over the next several days I’ll be posting thoughts on how COSO frameworks can help during the coming months.

Paul Sobel Chairman of COSO in LinkedIn

Why COSO ERM Will Not and Cannot Help People Make Better Decisions About COVID-19

Paul, ERM is not even an ‘art’. Its just a belief system with no settled, academically-supported or proven global body of knowledge.

Although aspects of ‘ERM’ activity might well draw on scientific and other validated areas of true knowledge – such as the mathematical calculation of probabilities – this does not validate the belief system envelope in which these skills are applied. ERM was a label invented by RIMS to distinguish a new business offering from its original insurance-based services. It’s just a three letter acronym invented for marketing purposes!

COSO just jumped on the concept when it wanted to make its ‘Internal Control Framework’ more relevant and its members wanted to counter the drop in revenue after the failure of Enron and subsequent restrictions on provided conflicting services.

All belief systems with three letter acronyms that attempt to resolve uncertainty in decision making via the constructs of ‘risk’ and ‘managing risk’ will not only fail but ultimately, can never succeed. This is also borne out by multiple surveys that show that ERM ‘maturity’ (whatever that means) is persistently low.

There are two obvious reasons for the failure of ERM and other forms ‘risk management’ to produce good decisions:

  1. the foundation word ‘risk’ has literally dozens of meanings and so has no utility or transactional value;
  2. it is fanciful to imagine that any approach based on a one-size-fits-all complicated systems of ‘risk management’ can or will be ‘integrated’ into the highly individual ways through which organisations function. 

Indeed, across my 40+ year career I’ve realised that I’ve yet to find an organisation asserting to practice ‘risk management’ that did not, in reality, have separate processes for ‘risk management’ and for actual decision-making.  Whatever ERM is thought or claimed to be, it neither does, nor can ensure effective decision-making. So why waste so much time and money on it? 

You’ve got to wonder, if COSO ERM was so good and useful, why every survey, every year seems to show such a low level of ‘maturity’ (whatever that word means) and why the constant response is that management and Boards don’t ‘get it’.

On the other hand, there is clear evidence that these people do ‘get it’, and realise it’s a con job that destroys rather than creates value – except for the consultants who are called in to help ‘implement’ it. Organisation’s only spend the minimum on the ERM artefacts, just to keep regulators happy and so that they can boast about it in annual reports.

The bottom line is that there is no evidence that ERM improves organisational performance. Although there are some faint correlations between organisations that are successful and those that adopt the risk management paraphernalia, correlation is not causation.

Any apparent correlations could be explained by already-successful organisations being able to afford to construct a ‘risk management’ edifice or being subjected to regulatory coercion.

None of the organisations I deal reached for their risk register when they had to decide how to respond to the disruption caused by COVID-19. Also, none of them consulted their risk appetite statement or ‘risk matrix either. Interestingly, none of them seemed to use their business continuity plans!

This is not surprising actually because what they all wanted to do is reduce their vulnerability to such disruptions and not, necessarily, return to their post-disruption state.

Many also saw and decided how to exploit the opportunities resulting from the disruption and, in some cases, the decided to exploit the vulnerability of others to gain an advantage. While clearly COVID-19 is having a devastating effect on organisations (and people) across the world, in the words of Winston Churchill: “never let a good crisis go to waste”!

Useless Risk Management Edifices that Organisations Build

Norman Marks in his blog post called "Time to wake up to risk reality" said that "This is a post about news we should have known for a long time.
It’s time to recognize the truth about risk management." 

Hans Læssøe commented that: "I guess too many companies have a risk management function only for the sake of being able to say, that they have it – and to produce reports that shows “we are doing well”. Executives had (and have) no intention of letting risk people involve themselves or tamper with decisions they are making or how they execute/operate."

Roger responded as below.


Your first paragraph (3 April) makes an astute observation. The essentially useless ‘risk management’ edifices that organisations build, play no meaningful role in assisting the daily task of making sound decisions – from top to bottom. (I put ‘risk management’ in inverted commas, incidentally, because although the expression is common, there is little that is common across all its users as to what it means or consists of!)

These edifices are established at great cost and inconvenience either because of regulatory pressures as illustrated by John Fraser’s later anecdote (such regulations are often a forlorn hope by governments that this will somehow avoid society being disadvantaged in some way or other) or because of supply chain obligations which, as with Covid-19, spread up and down the chain with ease, or because of virtue signalling by the new breed of woke directors who are not focused on their real job of adding shareholder value.

The fact is, as you say, these ‘risk management’ edifices exist as an externality to the real management activity (including strategy setting) that is providing the engine room for the organisation.

This is why ‘risk management’ has little influence or, worse still, why it has an adverse effect which is the more common consequence as a consequence of its distractive effect and resource wastage. At very least, it’s not seen as helpful to the daily challenge of making sound decisions because as the world has shown, repeatedly, that with or without ‘risk management’ it is perfectly possible to make both good decisions and bad decisions.

One doesn’t have to invert normality in order to make good decisions – just become a little more skilled in the steps that are already followed. There is no need for a ‘system’ or ‘framework’ (for which, read ‘edifice’) just decision-making skill.

The ‘Mess’ Risk Management Has Become

Norman Marks in his blog post called "Time to wake up to risk reality" said that "This is a post about news we should have known for a long time.
It’s time to recognize the truth about risk management." I responded as below.

How did we get in this mess?

42 years ago when I first started looking at what could go wrong, what it would lead to and how likely the effects were, it was quite clear that my role was exclusively to help those charged with making decisions. I did not seek to impose my arcane language and concepts on the decision makers. Indeed, a big part of my job was understanding their needs and the context and then after I had carried out my analysis, framing the information I gave them using terms and concepts that were meaningful to them. I did not insist they contort their language and ways of thinking to suit mine. I did not insist they either replace their business processes with mine or to run my processes in parallel.

I only worked for the decision makers, and if they could not understand and appreciate what I was telling them, that was my fault, not theirs.

Since then, and despite the Frankenstein monster ‘risk management’ having no solid foundation or universal meaning, the advocates of its many guises (normally with three letter acronyms) have created a perception in those responsible for the governance of organisations that ‘risk management’ was ‘good’ and should therefore be adopted.

This ‘Risk management’ belief system has been promoted as something that is both valid and indispensable: in effect something to be believed in as essential to good governance. But it is only a belief, there is little tangible evidence that ‘risk management’, whatever that term means, actually helps organisations make better decisions and thereby enhances their performance.

Organisations have been encouraged by ‘risk management’ advocates to give effect to this belief by superimposing a ‘risk management framework’ across the organisation comprising various edifices. Common examples included ‘risk committees’ of the Board, ‘Chief Risk Officer’ positions and various ‘risk management’ structures, policies, reporting requirements and so on. The purpose for establishing this paraphernalia, has been seldom transparent, explicit or understood. Consequently, to the extent that it actually existed, this ‘framework’ is seldom integrated with day to day decision-making – because, in fact, it can’t be. If it exists at all, this is only in a parallel universe to the real world where businesses are run and decisions are made.

This belief system has been bolstered by the many national stock exchanges that now included practice of ‘risk management’ as a necessary condition for a stock being listed on their exchange. The (entirely untested) belief is that practising ‘risk management’ (in whichever guise) is prima facie evidence of, and a prerequisite for, sound management. The myth they have perpetuated that investors could and should have greater confidence in such companies.

However, this has been proved repeatedly to be a fallacy, best illustrated by the extraordinary failure of the Enron Corporation and by many recent and spectacular examples of corporate failure such as that involving Boeing’s new 737MAX aircraft that took 346 lives in 2019.

It seems clear to me that if, after all the time and effort that has been invested in ‘risk management’ over the last 30 years, it still isn’t helping decision makers to consistently and competently make better decisions, we simply need to dump it. 

We should simply go back to where I was, 40 years ago – understanding how people make decisions and how we can help them understand their assumptions, the context and how they can become sufficiently certain of their desired outcomes.

The ‘risk management’ emperor has no clothes!